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Celebrating Hong Kong Security Personnel Day: Long Service and Academic Awards Presentation

Celebrating Hong Kong Security Personnel Day: Long Service and Academic Awards PresentationOn 24th July 2024, we proudly celebrated Hong Kong Security Personnel Day, honoring the dedication and commitment of our security personnel. This special day was marked by a heartfelt ceremony where we presented Long Service Awards to our loyal employees and Academic Awards to the offspring of our staff.

Our Long Service Awards recognize the enduring dedication and hard work of our employees who have devoted many years to ensuring the safety and security of our clients. These awards are a testament to their unwavering commitment and professionalism. We extend our heartfelt congratulations and deepest gratitude to all award recipients.

In addition to acknowledging our employees' service, we are also committed to supporting the educational aspirations of their families. Today, we presented Academic Awards to the children of our employees, celebrating their academic achievements and encouraging their future endeavors. We believe in nurturing the next generation and are proud to support their educational journeys.

Our employees are the backbone of our company, and their families are an integral part of our community. We are honored to recognize their contributions and support their educational aspirations.

As we commemorate Hong Kong Security Personnel Day, we reaffirm our commitment to excellence, community, and the continuous development of our team and their families.

Hong Kong Security Personnel Day | Guardforce

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