Guardforce Post

Guardforce Awarded Certificate Of Excellence Of Hong Kong Sustainability Award

Hong Kong Sustainability Award 2019 - Cert. of Excellence | Guardforce HK

The Hong Kong Management Association launched the Hong Kong Sustainability Award as a long-term initiative to promote sustainability. It underscores the growing importance of sustainability and recognizes organisations that show a strong commitment to sustainability and achieve good business results with the efforts.

Guardforce received a Certificate of Excellence of the Hong Kong Sustainability Award. As a leader of Hong Kong’s security industry, Guardforce upholds the sustainability ethos that contributes to maintaining social equity and sustainable development of the economy and the environment, when mapping out corporate development direction and management strategy.

To support sustainable economic development, Guardforce has introduced digital and artificial intelligence tools for financial management to sharpen our competitive edge and meet the needs of customers and develop new markets.

To enable sustainable environment, Guardforce has implemented a range of eco-friendly initiatives. In addition to reducing the carbon emissions of our fleet and cutting energy and paper wastage, we have introduced smart bins that can serve to reduce carbon emissions on a macro level, and contribute to the sustainable development of Hong Kong.

To support social development, Guardforce has introduced the smart Anti-wandering solution to help the community deal with issues brought by our aging society. We also encourage our employees to take part in volunteer works and provide equal employment opportunities as part of our corporate social responsibility commitment.

Guardforce will continue to uphold sustainability principles as we care for the community, our employees, our customers, and the environment. We will provide innovative and cutting-edge security-related solutions to protect lives and assets for our customers.

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