Guardforce Post

Age-Friendly Award For Guardforce Hong Kong Again

Age-Friendly Award | Guardforce HK

Guardforce Hong Kong joined the 2022 commendations for age-friendly initiatives and was awarded a Hong Kong Star Award by Hong Kong Council of Social Service once again as recognition for upholding age-friendly principles when delivering products and services, as a contribution to augment awareness for building an age-friendly community.

Committed to caring for the community and the needs of the elderly, Guardforce helps ensure the safety of elderly through innovative technological solutions such as facial recognition anti-wandering solution, radar-powered bed exit and fall detection alarm system, vitals sensors and VITALS two-in-one solution for detecting vital signs and fall incidents. More recently, solutions for promoting elderly cognitive health have also been introduced, including the ExBrain XB-01 brain sensor, VR360 virtual reality expeirence and OBIE interactive projector, all designed to stimulate brain activity through entertaining experiences designed especially for senior citizens.

Guardforce will continue to innovate, using technology to support the community and elderly care facilities to take care of elderly needs while enhancing their safety and quality of life.

Age-Friendly Award - receive award | Guardforce HK Age-Friendly Award - group photo | Guardforce HK

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