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HKRMA Members Visited Guardforce’s Headquarters - Guardforce

Guardforce Post

HKRMA Members Visited Guardforce’s Headquarters - Guardforce

HKRMA member visit Guardforce

Guardforce invited the members of HKRMA to visit our headquarters on 11 April 2019.

During the visit, the visitors not only had the rare opportunity of “behind-the-scenes” observation of our operations, which is seldom open to the public but also know more about Guardforce’s latest innovative and first- in- the- market retail solutions.

Guardforce adopts state-of-the-art technology to help retailers to reduce the operation cost, add value for users, as well as improve customer experience.

We look forward to interacting with industry practitioners, to learn more about the concerns and needs of different industries, and offering them solutions helps to enhance operation and reinforce security at the same time.

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