Guardforce Post

Guardforce Robots Featured In Open TV Show - Guardforce

Guardforce robots featured in Open TV show

Guardforce’s patrol robot and concierge robot were featured in a technology documentary of Open TV on April 27, 2019. The show showcased the latest technology being tested at Hong Kong Science Park, including the two Guardforce robots.

Our patrol robots can take over tedious and dangerous patrol duties from human guards, and can be set to work on pre-set navigation routes. Our concierge robots apply facial recognition to identify VIPs or track staff attendance. They can also answer customers’ questions and have a conversation with them through voice interface.

The robots show that smart machines are not meant to replace humans. On the contrary, they take on the dirty, dangerous or difficult tasks to help raise productivity and efficiency.

Guardforce’s concierge robot in open tvGuardforce’s patrol robot in open tv

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