Guardforce Post

TVB Showcases Guardforce’s Smart Bins And Recycling Bins

The intelligent features of GF Technovation’s smart waste management solution were on full display in TVB program – Innovation GPS! In the episode aired on 26th January 2023, it was shown how our Smart Bin and Auto-Recycling Bin capture real-time data automatically, and also smartly compress content to expand bin capacity, show fill-up level, auto-sort rubbish, capture images and produce valuable information with which the users can make waste management more efficient and gain commercial insights. The bins are shown to be ideal solutions for managing waste in line with the government’s impending Municipal Solid Waste Charging Scheme to be implemented later this year.

Diversifying from traditional cash-in-transit business to providing technology-based solutions was underscored as Guardforce’s response to the trend towards cashless consumption. GF Technovation was launched in 2020 as our innovation spin-off that pioneers smart city solutions and technological tools for enhancing elderly care and safety for the benefit of the community.

Watch the Innovation GPS segment:

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