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3 Key Reasons Why Using A Safe Deposit Box To Safeguard Your Valuables Is A Really Smart Move

3 Key Reasons Why Using A Safe Deposit Box To Safeguard Your Valuables Is A Really Smart Move | Guardforce Hong Kong

People can easily be lured into a false sense of security that keeping valuables under lock and key close at hand in the home would be the safest way of keeping them secure and free from damage. Sadly, this isn’t the case. Keeping valuables, such as expensive watches and jewellery, cash, important documents, and treasured irreplaceable items, in the home, even in a home safe, still leaves them vulnerable to theft and other risks. In this blog, we will look at 3 key reasons why using a safe deposit box to safeguard your valuables is a really smart move. 

1. Safe deposit boxes are much more secure than home safes and prevent you from being a target

Hong Kong’s burglary rates Jan-Jun 2024 increased by almost 20% compared to the same period in 2023. Though the overall rate remains relatively low compared to other cities, criminals often target affluent homes where they think valuables might be being kept. While it is true that home safes offer a good level of protection (as long as you have researched a good brand and anchored it in a hidden area), why even risk being a target in the first place? Instead, storing valuables off-site in a secure safe deposit box such as Guardforce Hong Kong’s Tri-guard Safe Deposit Box takes all the hassle and worry away from keeping your valuables secure at home yourself.

2. Safe deposit boxes offer better protection against accidents and acts of nature

Many good home safes offer decent protection against fire, flood or natural disasters, but they are not in the same league as a professionally secured safe deposit box. Take again Guardforce Hong Kong’s Tri-guard Safe Deposit Box, they are stored in secured bank-standard vault with round-the-clock surveillance. The vault is air-conditioned, built with fire-proof facilities, and dual access control and biometric identity verification, making it a far smarter option for storing your valuables.

3. Safe deposit boxes are now much more flexible than ever before

One of the greatest deterrents for people using a safe deposit box has traditionally been the fact that a user has to not only travel to a bank to access it, they also have to abide by their bank’s relatively short opening hours. This has all changed now with reputable security companies such as Guardforce Hong Kong offering boxes with much longer access hours (7am-11pm daily) with private viewing rooms, various box sizes, personalized services, and fewer bureaucratic hurdles. And if that still isn’t flexible enough, there is an option of a mobile safe service, where your valuables are brought to your door by trained security staff in a secure vehicle, and returned to the secure vault once you are done.

Learn more about Guardforce Hong Kong’s Tri-guard Safe Deposit Box

The emotional and financial impact just isn’t worth the risk of keeping valuables at home. Though home safes offer a good level of protection, nothing can compare to using a professionally secured safe deposit box. To learn more about Guardforce Hong Kong’s Tri-guard Safe Deposit Box and mobile safe service, click here.

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